Binary Search Tree - 2
Traversing the Tree
- Traversing a tree means visiting each node in a specified order.
- There are three simple ways to traverse a tree.
- preorder
- inorder
- postorder
Inorder Traversal :
The method needs to do only three things :
- Call itself to traverse the node’s left subtree.
- Visit the node.
- Call itself to traverse the node’s right subtree.
Implement inorder traversal by recursion.
//pseudo code
public static void main(String args[]) {
private void inOrder(Node localRoot) {
if(localRoot != null) {
System.out.print(localRoot.iData + “ “);
Example :
Preorder Traversal :
- The method needs to do only three things :
- Visit the node.
- Call itself to traverse the node’s left subtree.
- Call itself to traverse the node’s right subtree.
Postorder Traversal :
- The method needs to do only three things :
- Call itself to traverse the node’s left subtree.
- Call itself to traverse the node’s right subtree.
- Visit the node.
Inorder V.S. Preorder V.S. Postorder Traversal :
Example : algebraic expression :
Finding Maximum and Minimum Values in Binary Search Tree :
For the minimum, go to the left child of the root; then go to the left child of that child, and so on, until you come to a node that has no left child. This node is the minimum.
For the maximum value in the tree, follow the same procedure, but go from right child to right child until you find a node with no right child. This node is the maximum.
//pseudo code
// returns node with minimum key value
public Node minimum() {
Node current, last;
current = root; // start at root
// until the bottom,
while(current != null) {
last = current; // remember node
current = current.leftChild; // go to left child
return last;
Deleting a Node :
- Deleting a node is the most complicated common operation required for binary search trees.
- There are three cases to consider:
- The node to be deleted is a leaf (has no children).
- The node to be deleted has one child.
- The node to be deleted has two children.
Case 1: The Node to Be Deleted Has No Children :
- To delete a leaf node, you simply change the appropriate child field in the node’s parent to point to null, instead of to the node.
- The node will still exist, but it will no longer be part of the tree.
//pseudo code
// delete node with given key
public boolean delete(int key) {
// (assumes non-empty list)
Node current = root;
Node parent = root;
boolean isLeftChild = true;
// search for node
while(current.iData != key) {
parent = current;
// go left?
if(key < current.iData) {
isLeftChild = true;
current = current.leftChild;
} else {
// or go right?
isLeftChild = false;
current = current.rightChild;
// end of the line,
if(current == null) {
// didn’t find it
return false;
//delete node
// if no children, simply delete it
if(current.leftChild == null && current.rightChild == null) {
// if root,
if(current == root) {
root = null; // tree is empty
} else if(isLeftChild) {
// disconnect from parent
parent.leftChild = null;
} else {
parent.rightChild = null;
Case 2: The Node to Be Deleted Has One Child :
- The node has only two connections: to its parent and to its only child.
- You want to “snip” the node out of this sequence by connecting its parent directly to its child.
- This process involves changing the appropriate reference in the parent (leftChild or rightChild) to point to the deleted node’s child.
//pseudo code
//delete node
// if no right child, replace with left subtree
else if(current.rightChild==null) {
if(current == root) {
root = current.leftChild;
} else if(isLeftChild) {
// left child of parent
parent.leftChild = current.leftChild;
} else {
// right child of parent
parent.rightChild = current.leftChild;
// if no left child, replace with right subtree
else if(current.leftChild==null) {
if(current == root) {
root = current.rightChild;
} else if(isLeftChild) {
// left child of parent
parent.leftChild = current.rightChild;
} else {
// right child of parent
parent.rightChild = current.rightChild;
Case 3: The Node to Be Deleted Has Two Children :
- If the deleted node has two children, you can’t just replace it with one of these children, at least if the child has its own children.
- For each node, the node with the next-highest key is called its inorder successor, or simply its successor.
- To delete a node with two children, replace the node with its inorder successor.
Finding the Successor :
- What we’re really looking for is the smallest of the set of nodes that are larger than the original node.
- When you go to the original node’s right child, all the nodes in the resulting subtree are greater than the original node because this is how a binary search tree is defined.
- Now we want the smallest value in this subtree. As we learned, you can find the minimum value in a subtree by following the path down all the left children.
Trees Represented as Arrays :
- With this scheme, a node’s children and parent can be found by applying some simple arithmetic to the node’s index number in the array.
- If a node’s index number is index :
- this node’s left child is : 2*index + 1
- its right child is : 2*index + 2
- its parent is : (index-1) / 2